February 8 – 10, 2013
American Royal Center
Friday & Saturday, 10 am – 9 pm
Sunday, 10 am – 6 pm
$10 for adults (over 12 years of age)
Children under 12 admitted for free
Available at the show box office at the American Royal Center
$1 discount with Price Chopper Rewards
Over 125 companies displaying and selling everything for outdoor living from plants and bulbs to landscaping and power equipment.
• Ahmed Hassan, star of TV’s Yard Crashers will talk about landscaping and answer the audience’s questions about plants, gardening and just about anything else under the sun, or moon for that matter.
• The Midwest Regional Orchid Show will feature hundreds of rare and exotic orchids for display ad sale.
• Regional garden experts will answer questions on everything from surviving last year’s drought to what’s new to plant in 2013.
• Attendees can register to win a new Cub Cadet walk-behind power lawnmower