Sometimes I truly wonder if I missed a special class growing up on how to be a girl when it comes to make-up.  I try; I try really hard to do everything the right way…but sometimes it just doesn’t work out for me.  This Saturday was a perfect example.

I was at home getting ready for the Kid Rock show, seems simple enough.  My hair was in curlers, most of my make-up was done…all that was left was the task of applying my fake eyelashes (hey, a girls gotta have some lashes to bat at Kid Rock with!).  Sounds simple enough.  A little glue on the strip of lashes, close one eye and stick it on there.  Turns out, this is a VERY hard task…at least for me.

I turned on an extra light, applied the glue, closed one eye and headed over to the full length mirror…very carefully tried to hold that thin strip of lash and steadily apply it to the top of my lash line; and that’s when it happened!  The strip went on in an upward slant, my eye started to sting slightly before going into an all out burn and then I realized I couldn’t open my eye.  I had glued my eye shut!  There I am crying out in pain “Oh God, Oh my god that hurts.  Someone help me before I lose my eyeball…” when I realized there is no one in the hotel room but me.   There I was, dancing around in my undergarments, curlers in my hair because I couldn’t see out of the eye that was glued shut and I was in so much pain I had tears coming out of the other eye.  I finally found a clean washcloth and doused it with lukewarm water to try and wash the glue away.  I managed to get the partially stuck line of lashes off my eye with only some minor damage, but my eye was still stuck closed.  After deciding to try some baby oil on my eye and making an even bigger, gooier, mess I was in no better shape.  I made the decision I had to eventually just suck it up and pry my eyelids and eyelashes apart, I was already late for Kid Rock show.

After carefully prying my lashes apart and my eye open, I got ready for the show and was on my way.  I thought I was fine, except for the extremely red eye that wouldn’t stop watering until I blinked long enough that my lashes stuck together again!  This was leading to some very obvious girl problems for me…I mean I can hardly parallel park downtown to begin with, let alone with only one eye open and batting my eyes at Kid Rock to get his attention was only going to lead to laughter if I could do it with only the one eye!

So, it’s now official…I am never to touch false eyelashes again, and I should probably have my girl card taken away! 



