Jenn’s Epic Fail As A Work Wife
Tomorrow is Tall Guy’s birthday which is why I thought I would be the good work wife and make him a special treat. I know he does not like cake but LOVES pies, specifically cherry pie which is why I decided to make him pie pops.
I started out making 32 cherry pie pops (think cake pops but its little pies instead). I set the oven to 450 (per the crust instructions) and made my little cherry pie pops. Put them in oven and set the timer to 15 min. Next thing I know black smoke is coming from my kitchen. As I open up the over door to pull the cookie sheet with pops on them black smoke fills my kitchen, dining room and basically the rest of the house setting off the smoke alarm. After opening up ever door and window possible to get fresh air in and the smoke out, I pull out the pie pops and they are like charcoal! They’re so much like hot charcoal that when I threw them in the trash they melted the trash bag to the can.
I decided to start over. I turned the oven down to 325 and set out to make 32 apple pie pops. I pull them out of the oven, this time they’re not blackened to a crisp but they also don’t look pretty. One by one I try to pick them up and get them arranged and bagged to give to Tall Guy and one by one they fall off the stick. By this time I’m horrified. I make the decision to give him the two best looking pie pops just so he knows I tried and instead stop somewhere to buy him his favorite breakfast…biscuits and gravy.
One my way to work this morning I stopped by 4 different places to try and order biscuits and gravy and had NO LUCK! It seems the restaurants I tried do not open before 6am (if you own a restaurant and are reading this…please consider opening up at 5, we’d love to get breakfast in the morning). Just as I am about to put the two decent pie pops on his desk, what happen…one of the sticks falls out of the pie pops; which mean he now has one pie pop and one mini pie. Obviously, this work wife is not a good pie pop baker.
If you’d like to find out how to make pie pops (if you make them, please let me know if you have better luck with it then I did) here is the “cheater recipe”.
Cherry Pie Pops
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 box Pillsbury® refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box
About 1/2 cup cherry pie filling (from 21-oz can)
16 to20 lollipop sticks
1 egg, beaten
3 tablespoonsturbinado sugar (raw sugar)
HePreheat oven to 425°F. Spray cookie sheets with cooking spray, or line with silicone baking mats.
SSprinkle flour on work surface. Unroll pie crusts onto surface. Using 3-inch wide drinking glass or cookie cutter, cut rounds from crusts; place on cookie sheet. (Leftover pastry can be rolled in a ball and rolled out with a rolling pin. Cut to make additional rounds.)
To make each pie pop, lightly press lollipop stick into crust round so that it rests in center. Top each round with 1/2 teaspoon pie filling; cover with second crust round. With fork or lollipop stick, press around edges to seal. Brush tops of pops with beaten egg; sprinkle with sugar.
Bake 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from cookie sheets; cool completely on cooling racks.