Jenn’s Weight Loss Journey with Healthe Trim!

I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life.  Sometimes I’d be on the chubby side and at other points I was morbidly obese.   At my heaviest I weighed 255 and at my lightest (in my adult life) I weighed 145.  I was able to maintain my 145 weight with hard work and watching what I ate for about 3 years until I got sick in November 2011 and was put on seven rounds of steroids.  It was then that my weight started creeping up.  First I saw it go up to 158, then 170 and finally 177.  After being at that weight for about a year, again I was put on a medication that is known to cause weight gain and I went from 177 to 190 and finally to 199.  I was getting depressed as I haven’t been this heavy in at least 7 years and even though I was working out three to five times a week and watching what I ate the weight just wasn’t coming off.   Frustration kept mounting and I was thinking of looking into the latest crash diet (unhealthy I know but I was desperate) to try and drop some weight.  Heck, I was even thinking of doing the old cabbage soup diet!

Just as I was about to go to the extreme, I had lunch with a friend in the office and she mentioned to me that her friend had discovered Healthe Trim and was losing weight safely and without any extreme dieting.  She even said she still has pizza, the occasional cupcake, pasta and whatever else she wants.  I was skeptical of what she was telling me but had decided that before heading out to the grocery store and buying a bunch of cabbage to make some soup maybe I should look up this Healthe Trim stuff.

After checking out their website and reading about the product, the success stories and seeing it only had all natural ingredients I was still skeptical to say the least; but their promise to get you “high school skinny” or your money back was the push I needed to order  and try it for 30 days.

When the product arrived it was a Friday afternoon, after looking at everything again I talked myself out of trying it that weekend and pushed it off until Monday.  Monday morning I reread the directions and they seemed simple enough.  Take 2 pills in the morning when you wake up with a full glass of water, wait at least two hours before eating.  Have one more pill one hour after you have lunch.  No caffeine and not artificial sweeteners and drink water.  It seemed simple and easy enough so I took my first 2 pills when I got up.  I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get through the day without a headache and my caffeine wake-up of a Diet Coke in the morning, but one day of this wouldn’t kill me, I was determined to follow the directions at least on the first day.  I was shocked to find out that I didn’t get a headache from the lack of caffeine and I had a ton of energy!  My appetite seemed to go down as well, and for the first time in years  I wasn’t needing my Hershey Kiss as my little afternoon chocolate fix, in fact I wasn’t craving chocolate or caffeine at all.  When I went to bed that night I thought to myself “Okay, that wasn’t too bad but be prepared for a bad caffeine headache tomorrow and to wake up hungry” but when I got up the second day I felt great even refreshed.  No headache, I wasn’t starving just feeling really great so I decided to try it again for day two.  At the end of the first week I weighed myself and found that I lost 2 pounds!  It may not sound like a lot, but after working out and watching what I ate for over a month and not losing a single pound I was ecstatic with two pounds in one week just from, especially since I had gone out for pizza with friends, had a few drinks that week and even had pancakes for breakfast one morning!

If you’re looking to lose weight and get High School Skinny then join me on my weight loss journey and we’ll do it together with the help of Healthe Trim.

If you want to join Jenn on her weight loss journey and you have questions about Healthe Trim just ask Jenn! She would be happy to fill you in on her experiences! Email Jenn at [email protected].

