Pope Francis is your new pope… Here are the eight things you should know.


POPE FRANCIS IS YOUR NEW POPE! …Here are eight things you should know.

We got ourselves a new pope yesterday… Pope Francis. The Conclave of Cardinals selected Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina and the pick was a bit of a surprise: He’s the first non-European pope in over 1,000 years… the first one EVER from the Americas… the first Jesuit… and the first one named Francis.


#1.) It took the Conclave 24 hours and five votes.


The odds at various sportsbooks had him at around 33-to-one. And THAT’s a surprise in and of itself… since he was runner-up in the LAST Papal race, in 2005.


#2.) At 76, he’s two years younger than Pope Benedict the Sixteenth was when he took the reins in 2005, and 18 years older than Pope John Paul the Second when he became pope in 1978.


#8.) He only has one lung. He had the other one removed when he was a teenager because of an infection. And since he’s been fine since then, his health isn’t one of the overall concerns.


Read the full stories here: CNN, Yahoo!




